Comprehensive Plan

2024 Comprehensive Plan Update


Eatonville's Comprehensive Plan is a forward-looking document that guides the town's growth and development over the next two decades. This plan, required by the Growth Management Act (GMA), is a policy document guiding Eatonville’s future. The plan addresses all aspects of the Town’s operations including land use, housing, transportation, and natural resources. The plan update is primarily focused on compliance with the new state laws adopted since the last comprehensive plan update which occurred in 2015.

Update Process

Eatonville is undergoing a major periodic update to the Comprehensive Plan, set to be completed by December 2024. This update, conducted with the help of the firm SBN Planning. This effort is a collaboration to capture the community's input and align the plan with Eatonville's evolving needs and to address state mandates. Public meetings will be held to gather feedback, ensuring the plan accurately represents our residents' aspirations and priorities.

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Importance of the Plan

The Comprehensive Plan is essential for directing Eatonville's long-term development and maintaining the Town's character. It provides a clear vision and roadmap for addressing community services, housing, transportation, natural resources, and land use. By setting goals and policies, the plan ensures cohesive development that enhances the quality of life for all residents and makes Eatonville an attractive place to live, work, and play.


Community Involvement

The update of the Comprehensive Plan is a community-centered process, with residents encouraged to share their perspectives and contribute to shaping the future of Eatonville. After incorporating public input, the Town Council and Planning Commission reviews the plan before adoption in late 2024.


Integration with Other Plans

Eatonville’s Comprehensive Plan must align with broader regional and state planning goals and policies, including the Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2050 and Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies. It also adapts to legislative changes (new laws since 2015) and incorporates elements like the Shoreline Master Program, ensuring sustainable growth in compliance with environmental laws. The plan integrates with Eatonville’s Regional Trail and Stormwater Management Plans, along with Capital and Transportation Improvement Plans, to support balanced development and environmental stewardship.