SR 161 Project Updates


Project Contractor: Johansen Construction Company
Field Engineer, Alan Lobdell 253-455-0272
Project Manager, Melvin Carden 206-604-2950

Questions Regarding the Project:

When will the project start? The project has started and the contractor is now on the contract time frame. The early work is a lot of paperwork getting materials approved, ordering materials and such. The major demolition of the sidewalk on the East side of the road will start approximately September 30th.

What will the project consist of? The first major physical work will be demolition of the sidewalk, curb and gutter along the east side of Washington Ave N, approximately where the Gypsy Wagon was previously located). Carter Street and Lynch Street intersections on Washington Ave will be affected. 

How long will the project last? The project will be finished approximately the middle of June 2023. They will be working through the winter, but will probably be held up by bad weather from time to time, which could potentially extend things. The duration of the project had to be extended due to a significant delay in the delivery time of the street light poles.

Sketch and Photo Examples

SR161 Streetscape Improvements

The Town of Eatonville received federal funding for improvements to Washington Ave/State Route 161. Phase one consisted widening of the intersection and installation of the Street Light at the 4 way stop. This portion of the project was completed in 2019, but began well over 10 years prior to when it was completed.

Phase two will consist of Streetscape Improvements along Washington Ave N. The funding portion for phase two was worked out in 2019, however, there were several issues from 2019 to current that delayed the start date of phase two. The completion of phase two will complete the Town's involvement in improvements to Washington Ave. The State plans on an overlay of the road surface, the date of this project has not yet been announced.