2025-1Amending the 2025 budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance 2024-11.
2024-12Adopting the 2024 update of the Eatonville Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.
2024-11Adopting the budget for the Town of Eatonville for the calendar year 2025.
2024-10Amending the 2024 budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance 2023-8 and amended by Ordinance 2024-4.
2024-9Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville EMS Tax Levy for 2025.
2024-8Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville Regular Tax Levy for the year 2025.
2024-7Amending the Eatonville Municipal Code by adding new chapters 10.15 "Vehicle Habitation" and 12.25 "Unauthorized Occupancy of Rights-Of-Way and/or Sidewalks".
2024-6Amending Title 19 "Design Standards" of the Eatonville Municipal Code.
2024-4Amending the 2024 budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by the Ordinance 2023-8.
2024-3Amending Chapter 2.04 of the Eatonville Municipal Code and adding a second regularly scheduled council meeting each month.
2024-2Repealing Ordinance NO. 2012-11 and amending Eatonville Municipal Code Chapter 2.24 regarding the establishment of the Eatonville Municipal Code.
2024-1Declaring an intent to annex the Town of Eatonville to South Pierce Fire and Rescue and requesting the Pierce County Council call an election on the annexation and placing the same on the August 6, 2024 election ballot.
2023-8Adopting the budget for the Town of Eatonville for the calendar year 2024.2023-7Amending the 2023 budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance 2022-7 and amended by Ordinance 2023-4.
2023-6Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville EMS Levy for 2024.
2023-5Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville Regular Tax Levy for the year 2024.
2023-4Amending the 2023 budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance 2022-7.
2023-3Adopting the 2019 update to the Eatonville Shoreline Master Program with final revisions from the Department of Ecology.
2023-1Adding a new Chapter 2.66 "Purchasing" and new sections regarding compost procurement.
2022-8Amending the 2022 budget for the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance NO 2021-12 and amended by Ordinance 2022-4.
2022-7Adopting the budget for the Town of Eatonville, Washington for the calendar year 2023.
2022-6Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville EMS Levy for 2023.
2022-5Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville Regular Tax Levy for the year 2023.
2022-4Amending the 2022 Budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance NO 2021-12.
2022-2Creating an Airport Commission and adding a new Chapter 2.35 to Title 2 of the Eatonville Municipal Code.
2022-1Amending Eatonville Municipal Code Title 18 Zoning and certain provisions regarding accessory dwelling units.
2021-14Amending Eatonville Municipal Code Chapter 12.20 "Parks".
2021-13Amending the Official Town of Eatonville Zoning Map.
2021-12Adopting the budget for the Town of Eatonville, Washington for the calendar year 2022.
2021-11Amending the 2021 budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance NO 2020-5.
2021-10Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville EMS Levy for 2022.
2021-9Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville regular tax levy for the year 2022.
2021-8Approving a site-specific rezone for the real property located at 331 and 333 Washington Ave N and amending the Eatonville zoning map by changing the zoning classification for the property from Multi-Family Residential District (MF-1) to Downtown Commercial District (C-1).
2021-7Repealing Eatonville Municipal Code Chapter 2.64, Inspection of Public Records
2021-6Creating a Hearing Examiner position for certain land use matters and adding a new Chapter 2.18 to Title 2 of the Eatonville Municipal Code.
2021-5Amending the Town of Eatonville Comprehensive Plan.
2021-4Amending Title 10 of the Eatonville Municipal Code by adding a new chapter 10.40 "Golf Carts".
2021-3Amending Chapter 9.14 of the Eatonville Municipal Code regarding Drug Paraphernalia.
2021-2Approving the Town of Eatonville's purchase of land from Mill Haus, LLC for future street right-of-way and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.2021-1Vacating a portion of Town right-of-way adjacent to Adams Avenue South. 2020
2020-5Adopting the budget for the Town of Eatonville, Washington for the calendar year 2021.2020-4Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville EMS Levy for the year 2021.2020-3Authorizing the collection of the Eatonville Regular Taxy Levy for the year 2021.
2020-2Amending the 2020 Budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance No. 2019-11
2020-1Affirming and authorizing the Mayor to renew a cable television franchise agreement between the Town of Eatonville and Comcast Cable Communications, LLC.
2019-11Adopting the budget for the Town of Eatonville, Washington for the calendar year 2020.
2019-10Adopting the GMA 2019 Periodic update of development regulations, Titles 12, 15, 17 and 18 EMC.
2019-9Repealing any ordinances in conflict thereof and authorizing the collection of the Eatonville EMS Levy for 2020.
2019-8Repealing any ordinances in conflict thereof and authorizing the collection of the Eatonville Regular Tax Levy for 2020.
2019-7Adopting the 2019 update to the Eatonville Shoreline Master Program.
2019-6Amending the 2019 Budget of the Town of Eatonville, as adopted by Ordinance 2018-11
2019-5Amending Eatonville Municipal Code Chapter 5.16 Gambling Tax Activities Tax
2019-4Adopting regulations allowing the production, processing, and retail sale of recreational marijuana and amending title 18 of the Eatonville Municipal Code by amending Chapters 18.02 "Definitions," 18.04 "District Regulations." and adding a new Chapter 18.12 "Recreational Marijuana"
2019-3Vacating a portion of Orchard Avenue South adjacent to Larsen Street West
2019-2Amending Sections of Title 18 of the Eatonville Municipal Code related to off-street parking and loading requirements; and drive throughs in the downtown commercial district
2019-1Amending the official Town of Eatonville Zoning Map